Following our return from the Burningman event, the RGR crew received a message from an unexpected, yet very exciting source – NASA itself. We were thrilled at the inquiry, being long-time supporters of space exploration and NASA’s mission.
What followed were a series of conversations about possible exhibition collaborations, and eventually a site visit by a distinguished member of the NASA team.
We are proud, humbled and thankful to have received the following letter of support for our project, and are pleased to share it with all of our supporters:
January 27, 2010 via email
I’d like to express my support for the efforts and accomplishments of the team that built the Raygun Gothic Rocket.
I personally met with the team and viewed the rocket during a recent trip to California. At the NASA, Johnson Space Center we are very interested in promoting new and unique ways of engaging young people in the excitement and thrill of flying humans in space. We believe generating a passion for spaceflight directly translates into more students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
I believe the Raygun Gothic Rocket team uniquely captured the emotion and wonderment each kid has felt with space travel at some time in their childhood. In fact, their creation stirs the child in each of us as we remember those emotions and why we feel that continued support for developing advanced technologies that push the boundaries of human knowledge and capability is essential.
I applaud the team for tapping that emotion in a unique and creative way. I believe it has the potential to make a personal and significant impact to each who encounter it.
Joel Walker
Director, Center Operations
NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Also Chairman of the Board for the Manned Spaceflight Education Foundation which operates Johnson Space Centers official visitor center, Space Center Houston.